In Memory of Red.
A child of God, a soul so pure,
He loved to play, of that we're sure.
With dreams so bright and a heart of gold,
He was the youngest of his household.
Once a boy so full of light,
A student yearning to read and write.
School he never did prefer,
He thrived where friends and socializing were.
He loved to make people laugh,
Whether it was with another or on his behalf.
A tender smile he wore on his face,
Becoming a man of strength, a soul of grace.
Wearing his heart on his shoulder,
Even as he got much older.
He shared his gratitude and love,
A gentle soul, with skies above.
His family stood, their love still near,
In every prayer, in every tear.
At thirty-eight, his journey ceased,
But in his heart, he found his peace.
Saying goodbye to a “son” so dear,
Is never easy that much is clear.
Knowing that he was blessed,
Thanking the Creator and finding rest.
I was his teacher 27 years ago- we remained in touch despite him being in Louisiana and me in Massachusetts.